June 2013

This has happened to all of us: someone, who is not a Christian, has challenged our beliefs and our faith demanding we defend ourselves and provide a good answer. The demand usually comes in the form of a question like this: “Where is the proof for God?” or, “Why does God allow evil?” And what do we say? We fumble about for an answer trying our best to defend God and give a good answer. Most of the time we are on the defense, trying to answer challenges, but in this article I would like to propose a new strategy: go on the attack.

II Cor. 10:5 says, “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God.” This is not a defensive strategy. “Destroying” is never associated with defense, its an offensive strategy. I’m proposing we go on the attack against unbelieving thought and reason because in the end, unbelieving thought is foolish. It seems wise, but it really is not. Our offensive strategy is to expose the foolishness bound up in unbelieving thought. (Remember, we are never to attack the person, but the worldview he/she is holding to).

For example, somebody might say, “I don’t believe in God because there are no proofs for him.” Go on the attack against that statement. Ask them a question like this, “So are you admitting that if there was good proof you would convert and worship God?” Or this, “What would be a good proof? If Jesus appeared to you today would you take that as proof?” The answer would be a definite “no.” They would interpret that vision as a dream or a hallucination. In the end, why would God prove Himself to you, if you wouldn’t accept the proof anyway?

Or, somebody might say, “Why does your God allow evil?” Again, go on the offense and attack that statement. An atheist/naturalist cannot even ask that question because they do not believe in a God! Call them out on that. Say, “Are you assuming that God exists with that question?” Or to get even deeper, “Why does God have to adhere to your standard of morality? Isn’t that your problem with Christians?  They are always trying to convince people to follow their morality? You are guilty of the same thing!”

At the root of atheistic thought is the desire for no accountability. Admitting there is a God would endorse a higher being who can tell us what to do, and sinful man doesn’t want that at all! But to hide that admission, the atheist hides behind “proofs” or “problems with evil,” when in reality those statements don’t even hold up and cannot even be asked.

I think we don’t have to cower in fear when it comes to defending the faith. There are many proofs for God, but atheists won’t accept them because they have already decided that they don’t want a God.  A Christian can really wrestle with the problem with evil, but the atheist can’t even ask the question because it assumes God exists (the very thing they don’t believe in)! These are just a couple of examples how we can “destroy speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God.” Sometimes the best defense is a good offense.

Pastor Mark Scialabba