Slander (September 2020)

I realize tensions are running high in this nation. We are months into this seemingly never-ending pandemic and people are frustrated. There is a highly controversial election coming up with the country powerfully divided over who should win. And, at everyone’s fingertips, is the engine of social media where we can say whatever we want, whenever we want. We have to be very careful that our frustrations do not boil over onto social media and we begin to engage in what the Bible calls slander; disparaging people’s names and reputations of who we do not agree.

            Slander is one of those ‘acceptable’ sins where we think it is not that big of a deal. We think we are justified in what we have to say, that it needs to be said, and we think our intentions are good. But let’s talk about the word ‘slander’ for a moment. It is the Greek word blasphemeo which should sound familiar. It is the word for ‘blasphemy.’ We know that God is blasphemed when He is erroneously and arrogantly spoken against, but we can also blaspheme people as well.

            The word is a compound word that combines the words for ‘slow’ and ‘reputation.’ The idea is speech that is specifically designed to injure or damage another person’s reputation. It is to revile, defame, and disparage someone’s name. No wonder the Bible calls this sin and calls God’s people to cease this kind of speaking! Leviticus 19:16 says “you shall not go about as a slanderer among your people.” In Matthew 15:19 Jesus groups slander with sins like murder, adulteries, and fornications. Ephesians 4:31 says for all slander to be put away from you…as well as other sins. Colossians 3:8 says to put it aside.

            The slander that is found online is immense. I have read some shocking things on social media. There are personal insults about the California governor, name calling of certain leaders, comments about the governor’s mental ability, and statements about the Democratic vice-presidential nominee’s weight and bedroom behavior. And all of these comments come from church going Christians. This is outrageously unacceptable speech patterns for Christians. There is no reason to say these things other than simply the desire to maliciously defame these people’s names and reputations. That is slander, plain and simple. It is sin and it must be stopped.

            Now, can we call out the policies and philosophies of such people? Of course! 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to destroy speculations and take every thought captive to Christ. Our attack is against the plans and mindsets of the world, not the personal character of the people espousing it. There is a difference between attacking a position rather than a person. We must learn that difference.

            There is an interesting story relating to this involving the Apostle Paul in Acts 23. He is having to testify before the Sanhedrin. Paul affirms his good conscience in regards to the Law and the High Priest orders Paul to be struck on the mouth for what he says (v 1-2). Paul then responds back forcefully, “God is going to strike you, you whitewashed wall! (v 3). The Council is shocked because Paul spoke that way to the High Priest (v 4). Once Paul realizes this was the High Priest he just insulted, he repents! He says he was not aware that this man was the High Priest and then he quotes Exodus 22:28 which says, “You shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people.” He admits that he was wrong to speak so rudely about someone whom God has placed into leadership. As Romans 13:7 says, “render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.” Those in governmental leadership deserve a measure of honor since they have been placed there by God.

            Friends, I know you are upset and are very concerned at how things are going in our country and the world. I am too. I post things online I probably shouldn’t as well. But let us be very careful and cautious about what we are saying before we hit that ‘Post’ button. If it is nothing more than the defamation of character, it shouldn’t be posted.