The Abortion Ruling

Last week a monumental ruling came down from the Supreme Court of the United States regarding abortion. The decision will have reverberations for years to come. It is important to define exactly what the decision was since there is much confusion in the rhetoric about the case. First, the Court did not make any moral or ethical statement on the nature of abortion itself. So, it would be incorrect to say that the Supreme Court decided that abortion is wrong. Second, the Court did not make abortion illegal. The decision handed down by the Court said that the issue of abortion was not a constitutional right, but instead, should be decided by individual states. In essence, the Court sent the issue of abortion to the states for them to independently decide what to do. Some states might choose to make it illegal, some might keep it legal, and some might put restrictions.

            Such a decision has brought unmitigated joy from anti-abortion advocates like Christians and unrelenting fury from pro-choice proponents. But, how exactly do we look at this profound moment in our nation’s history from the perspective of being a born again Christian?

            First, a Christian’s opposition to abortion is grounded in the Word of God. The Bible speaks in multiple places about God’s hand and design over infants in the womb. Psalm 139:13 says, “You wove me in my mother’s womb.” In Jeremiah 1:5 God says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” The prophecy about John the Baptist says he will be filled with the Holy Spirit “while in his mother’s womb” (Luke 1:15). Clearly God is designing, making, molding, and influencing babies in the womb. The Bible also talks about how God is the one who opens wombs or closes wombs (Gen 20:18, Gen 30:22), so pregnancies are His providential decision. So, I believe the Bible makes it clear that a Christian should be against abortion.

            Second, a Christian’s joy to this decision is understood. If we believe that fetuses in the womb are living beings and God is designing them, anything that limits abortion is a good thing. At the least this will probably result in thousands of less abortions as some states will begin to immediately pass strict anti-abortion laws in their legislatures. A Christian should see it as a good thing anytime lives can be saved, because human lives are precious in God’s sight, being made in His image.

            Third, a Christian’s celebration should be tempered. This move by the Supreme Court does not outlaw abortion, let’s get that straight. The only thing the Supreme Court decision did was turn the abortion issue over to the states to decide on their own. Reading the opinion of Samuel Alito, he said, “the authority on this matter is turned over to the people and their elected officials in their individual states.” Since there are a number of states that furiously defend abortion, we will probably see an even greater resolve there. Also, women that really want an abortion will probably be able to get one by just crossing state lines. If your neighboring state provides free confidential abortion, then why wouldn’t you just go there to get the procedure done? While this decision may limit the number of abortions, it doesn’t eradicate the practice altogether.

            Lastly, a Christian’s guard should be up now more than ever. Those that are outraged at this decision have begun to point the finger at religion. I have seen the tweets already: Keep your religion out of my health care! Once people identify the culprit as religion, the next step is to identify which religion. Since Christian principles are at the basis of the anti-abortion view, and since Satan’s world is always at odds with God’s people, the blame will be placed on Christians themselves. I fear a heated backlash coming against Christians in this country. Although that should not come as a shock as Jesus told us to not be surprised if the world hates you. Are you prepared to face this new kind of persecution?

            Overall, I would say I am happy with what transpired last week, but it is a restrained happiness. Abortions will still happen and the fight over the issue will become even more heated with the hottest fire reserved for Christians.