The Plague of Casual Obedience

I like to take the opportunity in my Voice article to speak on current issues or current concerns I have regarding the church of Jesus Christ. This month I want to discuss what I see is a problem of ‘casual obedience.’ This is a term I use to describe a situation where believers see the commands and instructions of Scripture as suggestions not commands. Casual obedience tries once in a while to obey. Casual obedience just ignores difficult commands. Casual obedience obeys only when it is convenient or opportune. This type of response to God’s Word is completely unacceptable. There are 2 reasons why casual obedience is unacceptable.

            First, because God calls us to careful obedience. Over 20x in the book of Deuteronomy God calls on Israel to ‘careful’ obedience. For example, observe His statutes “carefully” (Deut 5:1); “listen and be careful to do it” (Deut 6:3); “carefully keep all these commandments” (Deut 11:22). There is absolutely no room for altering commandments, ignoring commandments, half-heartedly perusing commandments, or occasional obedience to commandments. God expects precise and continual obedience. 

            Second, because God deserves distinguished respect. God is not a pal, or a chum, or a companion. He is not our buddy that we consider him on equal footing as another person. He is glorious, high and exalted, the sovereign ruler of the universe, unmatched in holiness and purity, all-powerful, and therefore deserving of a high amount of honor and respect.

            In the book of Malachi, God chides Israel for their lack of respect given to Him. “Where is My respect?” He asks (Mal 1:6). The situation at the time was that Israel was obeying His command to sacrifice, but they were sacrificing the blind, the lame, and the sick (v 8) to God. Some were even bringing animals that they had stolen from others (v 13). This is improper for two reasons. First, God is not deserving of this kind of disrespect. As He says, “My name is great among the nations” (v 11) and He also says “I am a great King” (v 13) and deserve to be feared (v 14). This is who God is, He should never be disrespected.

            The second reason Malachi says this is improper is becasue this would not fly in the earthly realm. God makes this point: would this be ok if you gave this to your governor (v 8)? Would your local king or ruler accept this? If the answer is no, then why does God deserve any less? If your boss gave you an assignment, an order, would you do the job halfway? Would you present to your earthly boss or leader an almost completed task? The answer is no. If you did that a few times your boss would fire you and if you did that to your king, he might have you executed. The point is obvious: if this is not ok for your earthly rulers, then why is it ok for your heavenly ruler? God deserves our best efforts and our careful obedience.

            God says He wants us to ‘tremble at His Word’ (Isa 66:2). We tremble at His word because every time we encounter it, there is a change that we are called on to make. We are called to conform our lives to the specific instructions of Scripture. There is no room for glossing over God’s divine Word or picking and choosing what parts you will attempt to follow. If it says to pray, pray. If it says to raise up your kids, raise them. If it says to attend worship, then attend worship. True obedience must be all the time, in all areas, and regardless of the outcome. Read God’s Word, tremble before it, and carefully observe what it says all the time. Do not let casual obedience by a characteristic of your life.